
Game Editor Manual Chapter 6

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The Game Node

The game node's header does not contain any editable items, it only shows the game's PIN code - a unique number that can be used to load the game to your phone:
game node header
Selecting the game node by clicking on its header displays the following panel in the property panel:
game node properties
Age Restriction
age restriction
Every level of the game may have a custom background image. If any of the background images is not suited for an audience below a certain age, this is where you can define an age restriction to your game. The age restriction is currently ignored, but future releases will support this setting.
Count Score
count score
When checked the game tracks the score of the player. The controls beneath the checkbox will be enabled allowing you to define the points added to the score at the declared events:
  • Points for Normal Tick adds/subtracts the given value from the score at every bounce
  • Points for Row Reached adds the given value whenever a new highest row is reached
  • Points for Star Collected and Points for Level Finished are self explanatory
  • Points for Red Brick adds/subtracts the value from the score whenever the ball bounces on a red brick
You may restrict the usage of helpers for your game. These settings might be ignored by the game in the future, so don't rely on them too much. On top of that, the HD version of the game running on a tablet shows the same amount of incoming tiles as a phone does with Camera enabled.

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